Where to dispose of unused medications properly.
Improper disposal of medications is a growing concern which can lead to environmental problems and contribute to prescription drug abuse, especially among teens and young adults. The Disposal of Unused Medications Properly (D.U.M.P.) Program is designed to provide Medina County residents with a safe and easy option for disposing of unwanted medications.
Simply take the medication to one of the 12 D.U.M.P. Box locations in the county and the medicine will be safely destroyed, no questions asked. The locations are permanent and are accessible seven days a week. You can deposit the medication in the original container (mark out any identifying information) or place the pills in a sealed plastic bag.
Please note that the D.U.M.P. Boxes are for pills and capsules only. Syringes and liquids CANNOT be accepted at the D.U.M.P. Box.
*D.U.M.P. boxes are funded by the Medina County Anti-Drug Levy*
D.U.M.P. Box Locations
Please contact your location prior to drop-off for availability.